
Sponsorship Information




Dear Racers,

Thank you for your interest in Jettribe 2025 sponsorship.  We are currently closed to new applications.

The deadline to apply for the 2026 Team is November 15th. Please review the information below and email us your resume before the deadline to ensure we have adequate time to review it.

Email Your Resume - Please use this link to email our sponsorship department

Kindly be aware we do not discuss sponsorship opportunities on the spot at race events. Please follow the application procedure.

Best wishes and ride safe from the Jettribe Family!

 Application Instructions


The PWC industry has really progressed over the past two decades.  Sponsorship has evolved to an entirely new level and direction.  Winning on Sunday does not mean selling on Monday anymore.  Fans and consumers are more informed, savvier and connected to the industry.  Our consumers and competitors are no longer the next state over, they are global.  We have racers from over 15 different countries.

When applying to be part of the Jettribe family, please keep in mind your resume will be one of potentially hundreds of resumes that will be considered each season. Like applying for a job, you must make sure yours stands out.   Jettribe is proud to carefully sponsor select riders from around the world. We see our team as partners in growing both the PWC sport and our brand. Sponsorship is not just handed out, and we look for special individuals to be a part of our International Family. We look for professional racers who are committed to the sport both locally and internationally. Our factory team are some of the top racers in our sport, and we are proud to have Kylie Ellmers, Gyorgy Kasza, Zsolt Ceseke, Erminio Iantosca, Aero & Aqsa Aswar, Stian Schjetlein, and Ryder Wildeboer as part of our family!

Due to high demand we will only consider sponsorship for current Jettribe customers that wear and support our brand.

1.) Resume: Make sure your personal background talks about who you really are, and not about how accomplished you are as a racer. What do you do for a living off the water, why did you get started racing? Include a list of your recent race accomplishments, list other sponsors, and any activities you are involved with outside of work and racing.

2.) Junior Racers: In addition to the information in Step 1, please include your grades / GPA and extracurricular activities you are involved with in school (sports, music, etc).

3.) Photos: Please send both action and on-shore photos of you in your Jettribe gear. Racers who are chosen for the Jettribe Race Team will need to have an online presence for brand promotion. You must be comfortable with taking and posting photos.

4.) Social Media: A logo on your ski, or time up on the podium are just a small part of how you represent Jettribe. Your engagement with our customers is an important step in securing a place on our team. Sponsored racers are required to have a professional social media account and will have monthly post/story/video deliverables. Your application must include your social media usernames for Instagram, Facebook, and/or TikTok. Take time to gain followers before you apply. Start tagging @jettribe so we can learn more about you during the application process.

Key Points to remember when submitting your resume:

a) Be creative with your submission – For example, send a link to a video of you talking about how you would represent Jettribe.

b) Be polite and thankful for the opportunity, no matter what our final decision. We may not have room for you this year, but you can still work on getting on the team next season.

c) Make your application complete and clear, so we do not need to search or dig for better information.  It is better to be over prepared than not enough.  

d) Use proper grammar and punctuation. We recommend you space out information on new lines or bullet points. 

Sponsorship Do's

Sponsorship Dont's

DO NOT ask for sponsorship at events, or send us a message on social media asking for sponsorship. Please follow the formal application process.

DO NOT be that "guy/girl" throwing their helmets and yelling at the officials at the starting line. You must be respectful of the officials and your fellow racers.

DO NOT apply for sponsorship just to get a discount, you need to be committed to the team. If you just want a discount, please join our Rider Rewards program.

DO NOT elaborate or lie in your resume. We will research your claims and follow-up with reference checks.

DO NOT share our sensitive company information on social media. When in doubt, check with us first if you want to share Jettribe news or events with your followers.

DO NOT forget you need to earn your sponsorship each season. Most racers will not be automatically renewed, especially if we have not heard from you all season.

DO NOT ask vague questions about what you can get for free. Most sponsored racers get a discount, but rarely is gear given away for free.

DO NOT ask for sponsorship for your buddies, especially at race events. We are busy during those times, and although we’d love to meet your friends and get to know new racers, we can’t consider a sponsorship on the spot.

DO NOT ask about sponsorship while we are out on the water. We like to ride just like you, and our time on our water is our time away from work. Again, we will not discuss sponsorships on the spot.

DO NOT talk bad about competitors. Similar to never bad mouthing your previous employer in an interview, it only leads us to thinking you could do the same to our company in the future.

DO NOT ask for certain sponsorship discounts because you have gotten it from some other company. Each company has different sponsorship standards that do not necessarily correlate to what we offer.

DO NOT forget the “free” goodies you may receive are not “free” to us.  We have to pay to produce it, warehouse it, and import it.

DO NOT get political on your professional social media pages, or post about last night’s raging party.  Please keep that stuff on a personal account.

DO NOT wear your Jettribe apparel to the after race social gatherings. Be conscious of what you are wearing during your after-race activities; we do not want anything to reflect negatively on the Jettribe brand.

DO NOT forget to appreciate what the sponsorship is trying to do for your race career.  It is a small industry. One door opens up another.  Each person you meet and greet is a stepping stone towards your race career.